The path was a journey in the world of music, through the guided discovery of basic musical concepts that were realized through a practical experience. The multisensorial musical path was organized according to well-defined stages, creating a sort of ritual, in a climate of expectation and curiosity.
Following the underlying theme of a narration, a basic music literacy path was realized, developing in students the pleasure to play ensemble music having fun all together.
- The book: Nidi di note - Un cammino in dieci passi verso la musica (by B. Tognolini, P. Fresu, A. Sanna, S. Peana) and other educational material indicated in the bibliography.
- Orff instruments, an audio reproduction system, a journal written in itinere by the teacher proposing the project.
- The activity needs to be carried out in an environment suitable from an acoustic viewpoint and big enough to allow students to move easily during the musical games proposed.
- It is useful to start the lessons sitting on the floor, in a circle, in order to create a cozy environment, so as to facilitate the listening of the story and to better organize the following musical activity.
- Time necessary for the realization: it takes about three months (an hour a week) to read the book.
The skills, goals and training objectives selected by the teacher for this experience are shown below.
The students learned how to:
- grasp the most immediate expressive values of the pieces listened to, translating them with words, movements, drawings
- express themselves with songs and movements;
- use several musical instruments (Orff instruments);
- reproduce and create simple rhythmic sequences through body percussion and percussion instruments;
- recognize and distinguish several aspects related to sound (duration, pitch, intensity, timbre) and music (tempo, rhythm, melody);
- sing, move and play all together and keep time, coordinating their movements with each other, waiting for their own turn, respecting the modulation and the scheme of the pieces.
The students achieved:
- an aptitude to listening (to the teacher, classmates, sounds and particular sonorous stimuli);
- self-control;
- lateralization and fine motility;
- attention, concentration, memorization;
- cognitive skills (use of logic, intuitive, creative thinking and syllabification skills);
- dialogue and cooperation;
- an attitude of respect and interest towards other cultures, as music can play a privileged role in such sense, since it is a non-verbal language.
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