Growing up with music

Widening of the educational offer, optional laboratory

    School sections
    • Upper secondary school
    • Lower secondary school
    Educational subjects
    • Music and…

Growing up with music

The project allowed, within the scope of the optional subjects for the first upper secondary school years, to develop a curricular educational path with a one-hour music class. Within the experience, the themes covered concerned musical communication and its different expressive styles. At the same time, the path took into consideration the general pedagogic relevance of music classes in a life sciences educational path that, by tradition, is characterized by music classes viewed as an educational component promoting the psycho-cognitive development of the human being.

The first lessons allowed to provide a fund of basic knowledge in order to become acquainted with music, going over the perception and recognition of the main qualities of sound in everyday life in a non-conventional way, with a synaesthetic value. Moreover, the proposal aimed to identify the communication functions of music, starting from the understanding of the destination and use of a music composition, to then pass on to a wider consideration of the music proposals with regard to their use, even symbolic, with a socializing, celebrating, ritual, educational, aesthetic-artistic function.

In processing and acquiring such aspects, the students consolidated fundamental instruments to understand music assets, in the perspective of an adequate cultural awareness.

Work tools

The environment was equipped with simple rhythmic and melodic instruments, with an electric piano and a PC with a projector, allowing for the students’ direct involvement in the experiences proposed.

Educational purposes

The skills, goals and training objectives selected by the teacher for this experience are shown below.

    • Sound perception
    • Interpretation
    • Analysis
    • Comprehension
    • Improvisation
    Lower secondary school
    • Understands and evaluates events, materials, and musical works recognising their meanings, also in relation to his/her own musical experience and the different historical/sociological context.
    • Actively participating in music experiences through the execution and the interpretation of vocal and instrumental music pieces belonging to different genres and cultures.
    • Capacity to conceive and create music and multimedia messages, also though improvisation or collective elaboration processes, using also IT tools, in critical confrontation with models belonging to the musical heritage
Educational targets

By the end of the annual laboratory, the students had learned how to:
- master expressive instruments with the aim to manage the sonorous-musical communication interaction;
- assimilate the general indications taught;
- make pertinent observations;
- establish cooperation and learning relationships with classmates and teachers;
- decode simple musical texts;
- use the specific terminology;
- recognize the perceptive characteristics of a sonorous-musical message;
- go over the analytical experiences acquired through their personal ability to apply and/or process simple composition and performance techniques;
- deal with musical texts of different kind and typology;
- understand the essential thematic nucleus of the musical examples realized;
- use fundamental instruments for a conscious use of the musical patrimony.


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