Stripsody for Futurism

An inclusive multidisciplinary learning path

    School sections
    • Lower secondary school
    Educational subjects
    • Composition
    • soundscapes
    • Music and technologies
    • Vocalism

Stripsody for Futurism

The educational proposal originated from the need to involve in music lessons a student suffering from hypoacusia, with the aim to help her recognize the sounds that surrounded her every day, through the use of images and onomatopoeias/written phonemes and by teaching her how to match sounds to images (even mental).

It started as a Music project, but then I shared the Learning Unit with the teachers of Italian Literature (Futurism), Science (sonorous waves and propagation of sound) and English Language (vocabulary and difference between English and Italian phonemes). In the final stage, with regard to the presentation of the graphic score, I also involved the Art and Image teacher, who worked with the students on the techniques at the basis of Comics and Pop Art. We also used digital technologies for the multimedia processing of the audio files. Consequently, the educational path resulted to be inclusive and multidisciplinary.

Work tools

In order to carry out the educational activities, the following instruments were used: IWB, loudspeakers, the score Stripsody, videos and different interpretations of Stripsody, open source digital software for the recording and editing of the sounds, text of a poem by Aldo Palazzeschi (The Sick Fountain), materials necessary for the scientific experiment on the sonorous waves described in the annexed materials, pieces of paper, drawing paper, pencils and colors.

The space used for all the activities proposed was the students’ regular classroom, organized specifically so as to work in small groups (desks grouped together so as to create one single table) and to realize the scientific experiment, thus guaranteeing the full participation of all the students in the activities and planning.

The path required 3 Music lessons, 2 Literature lessons, 2 Science lessons, and one hour for the final restitution, for a total of 8 hours.

Educational purposes

The skills, goals and training objectives selected by the teacher for this experience are shown below.

    • Sound perception
    • Interpretation
    • Analysis
    • Comprehension
    • Execution
    • Composition
    Reading and Writing
    • Use of unconventional analogic music notation
    Lower secondary school
    • Understands and evaluates events, materials, and musical works recognising their meanings, also in relation to his/her own musical experience and the different historical/sociological context.
    • Actively participating in music experiences through the execution and the interpretation of vocal and instrumental music pieces belonging to different genres and cultures.
    • Capacity to conceive and create music and multimedia messages, also though improvisation or collective elaboration processes, using also IT tools, in critical confrontation with models belonging to the musical heritage
    Reading and Writing
    • Using different notation systems functional to reading, analysis and reproduction of pieces of music
    • Integrating one’s own music experience with other knowledge and practices using appropriate codes and codification systems
Educational targets

The students worked on developing the following European citizenship competences:
- The students learned how to identify connections and relations (learning to learn),
- The students learned how to plan (spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship),
- The students learned how to acquire, interpret information and how to communicate it in multimedia format (use of digital technologies),
- The students refined their cultural sensitivity and artistic expression,
- The students learned how to cooperate and participate in a project with others in an autonomous and responsible way.

From a strictly musical viewpoint, the following objectives were achieved:
- The students learned how to participate actively in the realization of musical experiences through the performance and interpretation of vocal pieces belonging to pop genres and cultures;
- The students learned how to use different notation systems functional for reading, analyzing and reproducing musical pieces;
- The students learned how to plan and develop, even by improvising or participating in processes of collective formulation, musical and multimedia messages, in a critical comparison with models belonging to the musical patrimony, even using IT systems;
- The students learned how to integrate their musical experiences with other pieces of knowledge and other artistic practices, using suitable codes and coding systems;
- The students learned how to work in an inclusive way with their classmates.

Moreover, the student suffering from hypoacusia achieved the following objectives:
- She learned how to recognize the sounds surrounding her in her daily life,
- She learned how to recognize sounds from images and/or written phonemes,
- She learned how to match sounds to images (even mental) relating to a narration and everyday life,
- She learned how to reproduce sounds not heard but read. 

Of course, we decided to develop even the competence related to the multidisciplinary feature.


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Link utili
Onomatopee inglesi Click here
Teresa García - Stripsody Click here > Scuola > Inglese > La lingua dei fumetti | Bang!, splash!, crash! e le altre onomatopee LA LINGUA DEI FUMETTI Click here
Piccolo dizionario delle onomatopee Disney Click here
Cathy Berberian | Stripsody Click here
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