Rec my song

Making music on the computer

    School sections
    • Upper secondary school
    • Lower secondary school
    Educational subjects
    • Composition
    • Music and technologies
    • Vocalism

Rec my song

The teaching-educational work carried out was based on the creation and production of an original piece of music in the form of a Song, writing the lyrics and composing the music with a particular arrangement full of rhythmic-melodic elements strongly consistent with the theme of writing.

The work carried out consisted in reproducing exactly what typically done in a music recording and production studio, by recording parts of the piece and the actual piece on a CD. In the end, even a video-clip was realized with the students as protagonists.

The CD produced, “MUSICA AL COMPUTER 2011” (Making music on the computer 2011”), contained 20 audio tracks + video + extra contents, and was complete of graphic project, cover, label and case.

The educational path also had the objective to provide knowledge and competences in the sector, with regard to new musical technologies and the functioning of the music production sector in its different aspects.

Work tools

The educational path was conducted at school, in particular in the musical laboratory equipped with the musical instruments necessary for the music-composition activity.

In particular, melodic, rhythmic and technological musical instruments were used. A mobile recording studio was set up in the laboratory to foster both the video recording and the audio recording of the musical performance.

With regard to music production, an audio digital position was set up equipped with a computer, a mixer, a sound card, acoustic speakers, headphones, microphones, etc.. Moreover, the school’s IT laboratory was used for research and loop editing through the use of specific musical software.

Educational purposes

The skills, goals and training objectives selected by the teacher for this experience are shown below.

    • Analysis
    • Composition
    Reading and Writing
    • Use of conventional analogic music notation
    Lower secondary school
    • Understands and evaluates events, materials, and musical works recognising their meanings, also in relation to his/her own musical experience and the different historical/sociological context.
    • Capacity to conceive and create music and multimedia messages, also though improvisation or collective elaboration processes, using also IT tools, in critical confrontation with models belonging to the musical heritage
    Reading and Writing
    • Using different notation systems functional to reading, analysis and reproduction of pieces of music
    • Integrating one’s own music experience with other knowledge and practices using appropriate codes and codification systems
Educational targets

The educational objectives consisted in the study and implementation of a new educational strategy using musical language in an effective way, developing, in a fun way, abilities connected to creation, communication and expression, through an absolutely thrilling experience.

By the end of the educational path, the students had acquired the following knowledge and competences:

- knowledge of the fundamental principles of the functioning of musical technologies
- ability to make researches and use a loop station and samples through dedicated portals on the Internet
- ability to use the basics of DAW software for the management of audios, recordings and editing
- knowledge of how to realize a simple music production on their own
- ability to analyze the musical structure of a song: Intro, verse, bridge, refrain, coda
- ability to write lyrics
- knowledge of and/or ability to record a piece on a CD
- knowledge of and/or ability to realize a music videoclip


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Slide "Rec my song "
Presentazione della buona pratica Download
Materiali finalizzati all'azione didattica
VIDEO CLIP realizzato dai corsisti "Musica al computer" Download
Copertina CD Download
MP3 del disco prodotto Download
Contenuti e obiettivi Download